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Why You Should Concentrate On Making Improvements Railroad Lawsuit Mds


wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit cancer lawsuit [why not check here] Lawsuits and Asthma

Railroad workers often are exposed to toxic fumes and chemicals such as creosote, silica asbestos, and creosote. These exposures can trigger respiratory disorders like asthma.

Fortunately, victims are entitled to compensation under the Federal Employers' Liability Act. A reputable railroad lawsuit asthma lawyer will help. Here are a few examples of settlements that have resulted in successful verdicts.

Diesel Exhaust

Since trains run on diesel fuel, a majority of railroad workers are exposed to a variety of diesel fumes through the day. These fumes are composed of soot particles and toxic chemicals. Exposure to these fumes may cause asthma and other lung diseases.

Railroads have been aware of the dangers of exposure to diesel exhaust for a long time. However, many companies have not taken the necessary steps to protect their employees. This is why some railroad workers have been diagnosed with respiratory ailments that are severe and debilitating.

When combined with other workplace hazards, like asbestos, silica, and creosote exposure to diesel fumes can lead to the development of life-altering lung illnesses, such as asthma. These symptoms could prevent railroad workers from returning to their jobs, and could even affect their life quality.

In one case the attorneys of our firm successfully defended a FELA claim by a former locomotive engineer who claimed to have contracted leukemia and other cancers due to the exposure to diesel fumes and other toxic chemicals when working on railway equipment. The judge granted summary judgment to the defendant railroads, ruling that Plaintiff did not conduct an adequately thorough search for information about his illness at the time of diagnosis and that his claims were time-barred.


Rail workers are exposed to different dusts, including silica dust from ballast and coal dust. They may also be exposed to chemical or petroleum fuels. These toxic substances can be harmful to a person's health and contribute to respiratory diseases, Railroad cancer lawsuit such as asthma.

Our FELA lawyer has assisted many people get compensation for their exposure. FELA allows those suffering from certain diseases to hold employers accountable for not protecting workers from hazardous workplaces.

A Montana jury, for example gave $3.7 Million to a former engineer of the railroad who was suffering from pulmonary fibroidsis, a lung condition that progresses due to scarring of the lung tissue. His FELA claim alleged that breathing diesel exhaust on hundreds, if not thousands, of occasions contributed to the development of his lung disease. Jurors were not persuaded by the defense experts' testimony that the engineer's lung condition could have a different source.

Similar to this, Friends of the Columbia Gorge and Sierra Club successfully sued BNSF railroad over its coal trains. Each time a train crosses the Gorge it pollutes sensitive habitats for wildlife and plants, the wetlands, tributary rivers and the Columbia River. BNSF has agreed to stop transporting coal in the Gorge as well as other places.


Railroad workers have been exposed to dangerous chemicals. Other toxic substances remain in the workplace, even after asbestos has been removed. Chemical solvents, for example are identified as causing asthma and other respiratory ailments. This is the reason railroad employees are able to file lawsuits seeking damages from the companies who hired them.

In one instance, the jury found that a 61-year-old locomotive engineer was suffering from asthma caused by diesel due to his railroad work. This illness caused him to be placed on medical leave and to lose his wages. He also had two back surgeries, including the lumbar spine fusion with multilevels. All of this added up to significant medical expenses.

He said he was constantly exposed to diesel exhaust fumes as well as strong smells. He also said he was constantly exposed to silica particles and chemical compounds, as well as spray paints, and black smoke. His chest tense and his throat hurt. He also had trouble swallowing. He also was suffering from allergies and chronic bronchitis.

The railroads successfully argued the release of the plaintiff in 1996 should be a bar to the new lawsuit as he knew about the risk of exposure to asbestos. Hughes Law Offices argued that the statute should be enacted until the plaintiff is diagnosed with cancer in order to allow him time to seek medical attention and determine if the disease is linked to his work.

Poor Ventilation

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with lung cancer, lung diseases, mesothelioma, or other types of cancers that may be linked to working in the railroad industry, you could have the right to file an action under FELA against the corporation that employed you. FELA lawsuits against union pacific railroad could award compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and suffering and pain. Contact a Houston FELA lawyer today to discuss your case.

A jury awarded an ex- Conrail engineer $2.6 million in his occupational illness trial after finding that the retiree's debilitating asthma was caused by his nearly constant exposure to diesel exhaust fumes as he working with locomotives at rail yards. The plaintiff's attorneys argued that the railroad did not stop this kind of exposure because they did not install adequate ventilation in the cabs of locomotives.

In addition to the diesel fumes that wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit workers breathe, they frequently come into contact toxic chemicals and other harmful substances during their job. In the construction and maintenance of railroad material asbestos, benzene, and other carcinogens can be discovered. Sadly, these toxic substances can cause a myriad of diseases and illnesses, including respiratory diseases such as asthma.

If you have asthma that arose due to your working on the wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit, or when you have someone you love who has been diagnosed with cancer that may be related to the rail industry in any way, hiring a Houston FELA lawyer can help you make your employer accountable for their negligence. Contacting a skilled attorney right away can increase your chances of receiving the financial compensation you're entitled to for your injuries and losses.
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